Traditionally, a book of this sort has an ASCII Table appendix. This book does not. Instead, here are several short scripts, each of which generates a complete ASCII table.
Example T-1. A script that generates an ASCII table
# ver. 0.2, reldate 26 Aug 2008
# Patched by ABS Guide author.
# Original script by Sebastian Arming.
# Used with permission (thanks!).
exec >ASCII.txt # Save stdout to file,
#+ as in the example scripts
#+ and
i=1 # Decimal counter
o=1 # Octal counter
while [ "$i" -lt "$MAXNUM" ]; do # We don't have to count past 400 octal.
paddi=" $i"
echo -n "${paddi: $BIGSPACE} " # Column spacing.
# echo -ne "\\${paddo: $LITTLESPACE}" # Original.
echo -ne "\\0${paddo: $LITTLESPACE}" # Fixup.
# ^
echo -n " "
if (( i % $COLUMNS == 0)); then # New line.
((i++, o++))
# The octal notation for 8 is 10, and 64 decimal is 100 octal.
(( i % $OCT == 0)) && ((o+=2))
(( i % $OCTSQU == 0)) && ((o+=20))
exit $?
# Compare this script with the "" example.
# This one handles "unprintable" characters.
# Exercise:
# Rewrite this script to use decimal numbers, rather than octal.
Example T-2. Another ASCII table script
# Script author: Joseph Steinhauser
# Lightly edited by ABS Guide author, but not commented.
# Used in ABS Guide with permission.
#-- File: Print ASCII chart, base 10/8/16 (JETS-2012)
#-- Usage: ascii [oct|dec|hex|help|8|10|16]
#-- This script prints out a summary of ASCII char codes from Zero to 127.
#-- Numeric values may be printed in Base10, Octal, or Hex.
#-- Format Based on: /usr/share/lib/pub/ascii with base-10 as default.
#-- For more detail, man ascii . . .
[ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ] && shopt -s extglob
case "$1" in
oct|[Oo]?([Cc][Tt])|8) Obase=Octal; Numy=3o;;
hex|[Hh]?([Ee][Xx])|16|[Xx]) Obase=Hex; Numy=2X;;
help|?(-)[h?]) sed -n '2,/^[ ]*$/p' $0;exit;;
code|[Cc][Oo][Dd][Ee])sed -n '/case/,$p' $0;exit;;
*) Obase=Decimal
esac # CODE is actually shorter than the chart!
printf "\t\t## $Obase ASCII Chart ##\n\n"; FM1="|%0${Numy:-3d}"; LD=-1
AB="nul soh stx etx eot enq ack bel bs tab nl vt np cr so si dle"
AD="dc1 dc2 dc3 dc4 nak syn etb can em sub esc fs gs rs us sp"
for TOK in $AB $AD; do ABR[$((LD+=1))]=$TOK; done;
while [ $IDX -le 127 ] && CHR="${ABR[$IDX]}"
do ((${#CHR}))&& FM2='%-3s'|| FM2=`printf '\\\\%o ' $IDX`
printf "$FM1 $FM2" "$IDX" $CHR; (( (IDX+=1)%8))||echo '|'
exit $?
Example T-3. A third ASCII table script, using awk
# ASCII table script, using awk.
# Author: Joseph Steinhauser
# Used in ABS Guide with permission.
#-- File: ascii Print ASCII chart, base 10/8/16 (JETS-2010)
#-- Usage: ascii [oct|dec|hex|help|8|10|16]
#-- This script prints a summary of ASCII char codes from Zero to 127.
#-- Numeric values may be printed in Base10, Octal, or Hex (Base16).
#-- Format Based on: /usr/share/lib/pub/ascii with base-10 as default.
#-- For more detail, man ascii
[ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ] && shopt -s extglob
case "$1" in
oct|[Oo]?([Cc][Tt])|8) Obase=Octal; Numy=3o;;
hex|[Hh]?([Ee][Xx])|16|[Xx]) Obase=Hex; Numy=2X;;
help|?(-)[h?]) sed -n '2,/^[ ]*$/p' $0;exit;;
code|[Cc][Oo][Dd][Ee])sed -n '/case/,$p' $0;exit;;
*) Obase=Decimal
export Obase # CODE is actually shorter than the chart!
awk 'BEGIN{print "\n\t\t## "ENVIRON["Obase"]" ASCII Chart ##\n"
split(ab ad,abr,",");abr[0]="nul";abr[127]="del";
fm1="|%0'"${Numy:- 4d}"' %-3s"
for(idx=0;idx<128;idx++){fmt=fm1 (++colz%8?"":"|\n")
printf(fmt,idx,(idx in abr)?abr[idx]:sprintf("%c",idx))} }'
exit $?