Simply invoked, date prints the date and time to stdout. Where this command gets interesting is in its formatting and parsing options.
Example 16-10. Using date
# Exercising the 'date' command
echo "The number of days since the year's beginning is `date +%j`."
# Needs a leading '+' to invoke formatting.
# %j gives day of year.
echo "The number of seconds elapsed since 01/01/1970 is `date +%s`."
# %s yields number of seconds since "UNIX epoch" began,
#+ but how is this useful?
suffix=$(date +%s) # The "+%s" option to 'date' is GNU-specific.
echo "Temporary filename = $filename"
# It's great for creating "unique and random" temp filenames,
#+ even better than using $$.
# Read the 'date' man page for more formatting options.
exit 0
The -u option gives the UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).
bash$ date
Fri Mar 29 21:07:39 MST 2002
bash$ date -u
Sat Mar 30 04:07:42 UTC 2002
This option facilitates calculating the time between different dates.
Example 16-11. Date calculations
# Author: Nathan Coulter
# Used in ABS Guide with permission (thanks!).
MPHR=60 # Minutes per hour.
HPD=24 # Hours per day.
diff () {
printf '%s' $(( $(date -u -d"$TARGET" +%s) -
$(date -u -d"$CURRENT" +%s)))
# %d = day of month.
CURRENT=$(date -u -d '2007-09-01 17:30:24' '+%F %T.%N %Z')
TARGET=$(date -u -d'2007-12-25 12:30:00' '+%F %T.%N %Z')
# %F = full date, %T = %H:%M:%S, %N = nanoseconds, %Z = time zone.
printf '\nIn 2007, %s ' \
"$(date -d"$CURRENT +
$(( $(diff) /$MPHR /$MPHR /$HPD / 2 )) days" '+%d %B')"
# %B = name of month ^ halfway
printf 'was halfway between %s ' "$(date -d"$CURRENT" '+%d %B')"
printf 'and %s\n' "$(date -d"$TARGET" '+%d %B')"
printf '\nOn %s at %s, there were\n' \
$(date -u -d"$CURRENT" +%F) $(date -u -d"$CURRENT" +%T)
DAYS=$(( $(diff) / $MPHR / $MPHR / $HPD ))
CURRENT=$(date -d"$CURRENT +$DAYS days" '+%F %T.%N %Z')
HOURS=$(( $(diff) / $MPHR / $MPHR ))
CURRENT=$(date -d"$CURRENT +$HOURS hours" '+%F %T.%N %Z')
MINUTES=$(( $(diff) / $MPHR ))
CURRENT=$(date -d"$CURRENT +$MINUTES minutes" '+%F %T.%N %Z')
printf '%s days, %s hours, ' "$DAYS" "$HOURS"
printf '%s minutes, and %s seconds ' "$MINUTES" "$(diff)"
printf 'until Christmas Dinner!\n\n'
# Exercise:
# --------
# Rewrite the diff () function to accept passed parameters,
#+ rather than using global variables.
The date command has quite a number of output options. For example %N gives the nanosecond portion of the current time. One interesting use for this is to generate random integers.
date +%N | sed -e 's/000$//' -e 's/^0//'
# Strip off leading and trailing zeroes, if present.
# Length of generated integer depends on
#+ how many zeroes stripped off.
# 115281032
# 63408725
# 394504284
There are many more options (try man date).
date +%j
# Echoes day of the year (days elapsed since January 1).
date +%k%M
# Echoes hour and minute in 24-hour format, as a single digit string.
# The 'TZ' parameter permits overriding the default time zone.
date # Mon Mar 28 21:42:16 MST 2005
TZ=EST date # Mon Mar 28 23:42:16 EST 2005
# Thanks, Frank Kannemann and Pete Sjoberg, for the tip.
SixDaysAgo=$(date --date='6 days ago')
OneMonthAgo=$(date --date='1 month ago') # Four weeks back (not a month!)
OneYearAgo=$(date --date='1 year ago')
See also Example 3-4 and Example A-43.
Time zone dump: echoes the time in a specified time zone.
bash$ zdump EST
EST Tue Sep 18 22:09:22 2001 EST
Outputs verbose timing statistics for executing a command.
time ls -l / gives something like this:
real 0m0.067s user 0m0.004s sys 0m0.005s |
See also the very similar times command in the previous section.
As of version 2.0 of Bash, time became a shell reserved word, with slightly altered behavior in a pipeline. |
Utility for updating access/modification times of a file to current system time or other specified time, but also useful for creating a new file. The command touch zzz will create a new file of zero length, named zzz, assuming that zzz did not previously exist. Time-stamping empty files in this way is useful for storing date information, for example in keeping track of modification times on a project.
The touch command is equivalent to : >> newfile or >> newfile (for ordinary files). |
Before doing a cp -u (copy/update), use touch to update the time stamp of files you don't wish overwritten. As an example, if the directory /home/bozo/tax_audit contains the files,, and, then doing a touch spreadsheet*.data will protect these files from being overwritten by files with the same names during a cp -u /home/bozo/financial_info/spreadsheet*data /home/bozo/tax_audit. |
The at job control command executes a given set of commands at a specified time. Superficially, it resembles cron, however, at is chiefly useful for one-time execution of a command set.
at 2pm January 15 prompts for a set of commands to execute at that time. These commands should be shell-script compatible, since, for all practical purposes, the user is typing in an executable shell script a line at a time. Input terminates with a Ctl-D.
Using either the -f option or input redirection (<), at reads a command list from a file. This file is an executable shell script, though it should, of course, be non-interactive. Particularly clever is including the run-parts command in the file to execute a different set of scripts.
bash$ at 2:30 am Friday < at-jobs.list
job 2 at 2000-10-27 02:30
The batch job control command is similar to at, but it runs a command list when the system load drops below .8. Like at, it can read commands from a file with the -f option.
Prints a neatly formatted monthly calendar to stdout. Will do current year or a large range of past and future years.
This is the shell equivalent of a wait loop. It pauses for a specified number of seconds, doing nothing. It can be useful for timing or in processes running in the background, checking for a specific event every so often (polling), as in Example 32-6.
sleep 3 # Pauses 3 seconds.
The sleep command defaults to seconds, but minute, hours, or days may also be specified.
The watch command may be a better choice than sleep for running commands at timed intervals. |
Microsleep (the u may be read as the Greek mu, or micro- prefix). This is the same as sleep, above, but "sleeps" in microsecond intervals. It can be used for fine-grained timing, or for polling an ongoing process at very frequent intervals.
usleep 30 # Pauses 30 microseconds.
This command is part of the Red Hat initscripts / rc-scripts package.
The usleep command does not provide particularly accurate timing, and is therefore unsuitable for critical timing loops. |
The hwclock command accesses or adjusts the machine's hardware clock. Some options require root privileges. The /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit startup file uses hwclock to set the system time from the hardware clock at bootup.
The clock command is a synonym for hwclock.